Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Got Accessories??

I cant tell you in words how much I love hair accessories! Its not just about a veil and a tiara anymore. There are so many classy/trendy/HOT things to choose from. From broaches to feathers the possibilities are endless. Here are a few inspiration paletes from the web and then some examples from some great photographers!

Vintage trends are all the buzz lately...One very cool trend is the birdcage veil! I just love how classy this looks, they can be so unique. Instead of the usual white veil on a comb try something more original..here are some examples:

How cool is it that all the BM's are joining in..HOW COOL!!

While Im at it..I get a kick out of seeing how people express their sense of style through their shoes. I love that its not just for the girls anymore..the guys have been pretty savy themselves. Here's a few of my fav's from a few of my fav photogs!

1 comment:

Karin Doolin said...

April - thank you for showing some of our couples on your blog! We do get so many brides with incredible style! There are so many great looks out there for girls now - but without artists such as yourself it's very difficult for them to make their dreams and ideas a reality. You make the photographer's day so much easier!
And I have to agree with you on those shoes!!! Love it!